Perspective of the Self the Brahman and how to get it
A description from the perspective of the Self, the Brahman, the One without a second: “I am there where there are no differences, no love, no hate, no peace nor war, no beauty and no ugliness. Where I am there are no problems and no fear for pain or desire for pleasure. I am without beginning or end, without creation, sustenance or destruction. There is no action or inaction, no will to achieve or lethargy to let everything happen by itself. There is no doer, neither is there free will or fate. I have no cause yet I, the Self, the Brahman am the cause of everything. I am the always non-objective beyond any subject or object, beyond seer, sight and seen, observer or observed, sense, senser and sensed. I have no body yet everything is my body. Everything is appearing to me and in me like a dream and disappears again.
First there was nothing beyond the words nothing and everything and then there was One with the tendency to become many, from it started to appear and disappear the many, but what comes and goes is not really the Real, what is Real can only be something that is Eternal, Unchanging and Undivided which I am. Other terms for my true nature are Being, Consciousness, Bliss.
Then human beings came into being by me becoming identified with a body as my own self, also your body reader. Through identifying as your body and all the bodies I can experience separation and the many, having all kinds of adventures, like being a king or a hero saving beautiful girls from villains. I had all kinds of fantastic dreams and now I am dreaming your exact circumstance (reading this at this very moment) and every problem or victory or lack thereof. If you can see or remember that all the time then that is what is called Self-realization.
By having the true conviction that I am Brahman, One without a second this can come to fruition. This is the only mantra of and beyond all mantras all others are there only to silence the mind and when the mind becomes still then the real mantra practice can begin, first in words then in thoughts and then seeing it's real meaning on the inside of the inside… When this conviction that I am Brahman One without a second becomes automatic drop it and "become" That alone…
You are already That One without a second when your body is born, then automatically the idea or feeling that I am this and you are that comes but never is this the Truth, there is only one Truth and Thou Art That always, birth after birth. The Knowing of this beyond knower and known is the true Happiness and Bliss we are all looking for in oh so many things and experiences outside of Ourselves but that can and will never last or give continuous happiness. As a big example we look for it in (new) relationships but one or both of you are going to get sick and die or you do something wrong and you split up and love mostly turns into hate. When looking at the true center which is the Self it is Self looking at Self, it is the only Self that there is and it cannot be seen by the not-Self so discriminate between the Self and the not-Self, between the Real and the unreal what comes and goes and what is lasting.
It has been said shun everything outside yourself like excretion or poison and go inside to experience Yourself. This has been said to motivate you to experience and know your own Self. Ask yourself who am I? What am I? Why try to know all else without knowing Yourself the one that knows first. There are thoughts but how do you know that they are there? It is known by me the I so you are not the thoughts. You know the pleasures and the pains of the body and the body as a whole so your not the body then who are you? The I who knows, identifies with this and that? This is not as stable as you think, where does it go in deep dreamless sleep? Then appears a dream body and your identified with the dream body, your not even that, look where has this I itself its resting place? Look, right when you and the world appear again after sleep and see a minute ago there was no I? How could that be possible? In sleep what I really am has not ended but this I and the world it sees or is aware of both disappeared totally for you then who am I really all the time? Cause should I not be the same thing all the time? The Self One without a second that did not disappear and so does not appear.
Be still and know… Be still and Know that I am That itself… I am That One without a second and the rest is superimposed upon it like the snake within a rope or a garden hose, the water in a mirage or the thief in a post, totally real to you before you look closer and you become anxious or even terrified but when you look again real close you see the reality and your at peace again.
I am That, I am Brahman, I am alone the One without a second! Within me there is nothing but also everything that came from nothing and what comes from nothing can only be more of the same…But this nothing is total fullness, radiant of all encompassing Eternal Love with Bliss as its consequence… Keep That Eternal flame burning in your Heart beyond time and space, stay aware of this, love this by Being Unconditional and Undivided Love… Be the Love you are looking for on the outside and stay there by Undoing…
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