zaterdag 23 juli 2016
I live... I dream... I sleep... I wake... I eat... I drink... I poop and I pee... I cough... I read... I look, listen, I feel and I taste, in short I am aware... I body... I think...
But I also blow as the wind... I shine... I cloud... I drive and I fly and I whistle, I bicycle and I walk... I sport... I grow and I blossom... I die and I am born... I build and I demolish...
I water... I burn... I freeze... I sky... I make... I preserve... I destroy... I...
I am and I am not.... I has never become you... I was there before you... I is the only one that is always already there but before time and space... I am impossible to capture... Not in any word or method whatsoever... I cannot be experienced, all experience appears within me... Everything comes and goes in me the one that never comes or goes...
What comes and goes is like a dream or illusion that appears, so real... so beautiful or terrible as long as it lasts... But real or unreal to whom does the world appear? The whole universe? To me... But who am I?
What is seen as separate from all else, the convulsion of identification with body and mind, that I when sought has never been found. Thoughts about who, what or how I am, a feeling of being a separated I appear objective to me... One is aware of them, where do they come from? where are they now? Keep looking, you are already that which sees them... Wonder who am I? Wonder who is the one wondering... Can this one be found? Does it exist at all?
What you think you are is like seeing a scary man in dim light which turns out to be a scarecrow. Has the man ever really existed? Can the man do anything to recognise his true I? All this time there was only the scarecrow.
Everything is like a refection of your true self, it is like being a mirror, everything can appear in it but the refection shall never know or experience the mirror...
When this becomes clear beyond thoughts this can be paired with bliss, a feeling of happiness, you'll want to keep repeating this, make it permanent, wonderful for a long time but a trap, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing in the appearance can and shall ever become permanent, it appears within you, nice but who are you to whom does it appear? What is the unchanging you that is neverending beyond bliss, beyond being and non-being?
I... before I and you, before everything and nothing, before any idea... Only as That alone one can [as a manner of speaking] say I am That and That is All!...
That pretends it becomes all this, including you, but there is only That having the superimposition that the waking dream is real... Knowing That am I as I is the only end of all misery, all uncertainty...
And then there was an elephant who blew the story away!
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dinsdag 19 juli 2016
The Self hides Itself from Itself
The Self hides Itself from Itself by projecting all of this illusion [and then identifying with a separate part of it], this big theatre show of duality, like a house of fun that can turn into a haunted house or a fantastic dream that turns out to be a great nightmare.
This can be directly experienced by ignoring the show or dream including ourself without falling asleep [which actually means falling back into yourSelf]. We need to know what is I or Self or actually what its not... We think we are this body mind organism but are we?
Is this person always there? Does the body or mind always stay the same? Who am I that can ignore the world and its false identity and fall away in sleep?
Sitting straight with eyes closed sort of like falling asleep but the instant you feel your dosing of open the eyes and again leave everything to be exactly like it is; the outside world and its noises and attractions, the inside world and its distracting thoughts. When noticing you are getting totally distracted by thoughts then and there look if you can still find those thoughts, did you actually look? Great, could you find any still? Then wonder ''thoughts are gone but I the one that noticed them is still here, then who am I? Look for the one that notices thoughts, dont think about this, look... When the eyes close and right before falling asleep do it all again.
This I or Self that notices is like a fire which is there but cannot be seen by the smoke or the salt in a glass of water that cannot be seen after a while but is surely there or like the stars during the daytime. But the Self cannot be known objectively at all, not trough any action or practise done by the person cause if it could it should be traceable itself. The perfume of bliss or uncaused happiness is your compas. But be careful, the bliss cannot last, only you who knows of it and itself never comes or goes, the unknown knower of all really lasts. The one that already was before this grand universal illusion started...
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This can be directly experienced by ignoring the show or dream including ourself without falling asleep [which actually means falling back into yourSelf]. We need to know what is I or Self or actually what its not... We think we are this body mind organism but are we?
Is this person always there? Does the body or mind always stay the same? Who am I that can ignore the world and its false identity and fall away in sleep?
Sitting straight with eyes closed sort of like falling asleep but the instant you feel your dosing of open the eyes and again leave everything to be exactly like it is; the outside world and its noises and attractions, the inside world and its distracting thoughts. When noticing you are getting totally distracted by thoughts then and there look if you can still find those thoughts, did you actually look? Great, could you find any still? Then wonder ''thoughts are gone but I the one that noticed them is still here, then who am I? Look for the one that notices thoughts, dont think about this, look... When the eyes close and right before falling asleep do it all again.
This I or Self that notices is like a fire which is there but cannot be seen by the smoke or the salt in a glass of water that cannot be seen after a while but is surely there or like the stars during the daytime. But the Self cannot be known objectively at all, not trough any action or practise done by the person cause if it could it should be traceable itself. The perfume of bliss or uncaused happiness is your compas. But be careful, the bliss cannot last, only you who knows of it and itself never comes or goes, the unknown knower of all really lasts. The one that already was before this grand universal illusion started...
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woensdag 8 juni 2016
Ik leef... Ik droom... Ik slaap ... Ik ontwaak... Ik eet... Ik drink... Ik poep en ik pies... Ik hoest... Ik lees... Ik kijk, luister, ik voel en ik proef kortom ik neem waar... Ik lichaam... Ik denk...
Maar ik waai ook... Ik schijn... Ik wolk... Ik rijd en ik vlieg en ik fluit, ik fiets en ik loop... Ik sport... Ik groei en ik bloei... Ik sterf en ik wordt geboren... Ik bouw en ik breek weer af...
Ik water... Ik brand... Ik vries... Ik lucht... Ik maak... Ik houd in stand... Ik vernietig... Ik...
Ik ben en ik ben niet.... Ik is niet jou geworden... Ik was er al voor jou... Ik is als enige altijd nu maar voor tijd en ruimte... Ik ben niet te vangen... Niet in welk woord of methode dan ook... Ik kan niet ervaren worden alle ervaring verschijnt in mij... Alles komt en gaat in mij die nooit kwam of zal gaan...
Wat komt en gaat is als een verschenen droom of illusie, zo echt... Zo mooi of verschrikkelijk zolang het duurt... Maar echt of niet echt aan wie verschijnt de wereld? Het hele universum? Aan mij... Maar wie is ik?
Wat wordt gezien als ik afgescheiden van de rest, de verkramping van identificatie met lichaam en geest, dat ik wanneer gezocht is nooit gevonden... Gedachten over wie, wat of hoe ik ben, een gevoel een afgescheiden ik te zijn verschijnen objectief aan mij... Je bent je bewust ervan, waar komen ze vandaan? Waar zijn ze dan nu? Blijf kijken, je bent al dat wat ze ziet... Vraag je af wie ben ik? Vraag je af wie zich dat afvraagt...
Wat je denkt te zijn is als je in schemerlicht een enge man denkt te zien die na beter te kijken een vogelverschrikker blijkt te zijn. Heeft de man ooit echt bestaan? Kan de man iets doen om zijn ware ik te herkennen? Al die tijd was er alleen de vogelverschrikker.
Alles is als een reflectie van je ware zelf, het is als ware je een spiegel, alles kan erin verschijnen maar de reflectie zal nooit de spiegel kennen of ervaren...
Wanneer dit voorbij gedachten duidelijk wordt kan dit gepaard gaan met bliss, een gelukzalig gevoel, dit zal je willen blijven herhalen, permanent maken, prachtig voor een lange tijd maar een val, niets maar dan ook niets in de verschijning kan en zal ooit permanent worden, het verschijnt in jou, mooi maar aan wie verschijnt het, wat is het onveranderlijke nooit stoppende jou voorbij aan bliss, aan zijn en niet zijn?
Ik... voor ik en jij, voor alles en niets, voor elk idee... Pas als Dat alleen kun je zeggen ik ben Dat en Dat is Alles!...
Dat doet of het dit alles wordt maar er is alleen Dat met de superimpositie dat de wakende droom echt is... Dat is het enige einde van alle ellende, alle onzekerheid...
En toen kwam er een olifant en die blies het verhaaltje uit!
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woensdag 27 april 2016
One without a second and how to meditate on it
One without a second and how to meditate on it... One of the great sayings of the upanishads, you are That [one]... All very nice in words but how to have the direct experience of this?
We all want everlasting happiness without break or end, for this we first need to find who am I? and what is truly lasting and therefore truly real. That everything one notices through the senses is objective to oneself. What is the I prior to everything? To really want to know this more than anything else is number one which cannot be done, but when your truly fed up with the drama of life and realise there is no lasting happiness in it is the time to start this.
All sense experience is only electrical signals interpreted by the brain, all thoughts are only about this and are observed like the body is known. It is all in the mind like the dream is, all fleeting and unreal like a mirage, real as real can be for the dream character but after waking up where did it go? So meditate on where the mind or brain comes from, who notices it coming and going? In deep sleep where does it go? All senses, body and thoughts or in other words everything one thinks of as I go away but do you stop existing in deep sleep? No, so who am I? Everything, the whole world is in the mind but who knows mind?
''Meditating'' on this one without a second is a bit like falling asleep, all sense imput and thoughts are ignored until everything disappears. Turning the mind inwards instead of outwards to its source by not giving senses or thoughts or anything else outside of the mind any attention. If there are too many thoughts inquire to who do they come? Thoughts need to stop for some time to see this but not done by you which is also in thought so ingrained that it even feels like a real I but look is this not known?
Just stay in no-thought and not-knowing with no effort, when thoughts come let them tell their story smile and be silent and realise everything is mind and focus it on its source... If you don't succeed keep it up everytime you remember it cause mind will come up with anything to not turn inwards.
You can also contact me or leave a message and maybe do this together with me.
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We all want everlasting happiness without break or end, for this we first need to find who am I? and what is truly lasting and therefore truly real. That everything one notices through the senses is objective to oneself. What is the I prior to everything? To really want to know this more than anything else is number one which cannot be done, but when your truly fed up with the drama of life and realise there is no lasting happiness in it is the time to start this.
All sense experience is only electrical signals interpreted by the brain, all thoughts are only about this and are observed like the body is known. It is all in the mind like the dream is, all fleeting and unreal like a mirage, real as real can be for the dream character but after waking up where did it go? So meditate on where the mind or brain comes from, who notices it coming and going? In deep sleep where does it go? All senses, body and thoughts or in other words everything one thinks of as I go away but do you stop existing in deep sleep? No, so who am I? Everything, the whole world is in the mind but who knows mind?
''Meditating'' on this one without a second is a bit like falling asleep, all sense imput and thoughts are ignored until everything disappears. Turning the mind inwards instead of outwards to its source by not giving senses or thoughts or anything else outside of the mind any attention. If there are too many thoughts inquire to who do they come? Thoughts need to stop for some time to see this but not done by you which is also in thought so ingrained that it even feels like a real I but look is this not known?
Just stay in no-thought and not-knowing with no effort, when thoughts come let them tell their story smile and be silent and realise everything is mind and focus it on its source... If you don't succeed keep it up everytime you remember it cause mind will come up with anything to not turn inwards.
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Ekam Eva Adhvitheyam |
You can also contact me or leave a message and maybe do this together with me.
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