woensdag 16 maart 2022

Examine appearances like thoughts

Where do thoughts come from when they have arisen?… 

Where do they reside when they have come?… 

Where have they gone when they have disappeared?… 

In the same way when appearances have come where have they  come from?… 

Where do they stay?… Where do they go?… 

What about you? Where do you come from when you have arisen in the morning?…

Where do you reside when you have come?…

Where do you go to when sleep takes over?…

Where have you appeared from when you were born?…

Where do you reside when your alive?…

Where will you go when your dead?…

Where does consciousness come from when it appears?…

Where does consciousness stay when it has appeared?…

Where does consciousness disappear to when it goes away?…

To take this even further where did the whole universe, visible and invisible, come from right after the big bang?…

Where does it reside in after the big bang?…

Where will it disappear to at the end of the kalpa or big crunch?…

Have you found the thoughts? The you? Where they reside in?Psst you can't. 

Do you or thoughts actually exist in the first place?… If they couldn't be found…

Does anything?… What is real should last forever, does anything? Ultimately? The question real or unreal becomes redundant… It is real in the eye of the beholder, if the beholder itself is not found… Then there is nothing more to say… 

Look in this wy…

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zondag 13 maart 2022

Just thinking and sensing, no self.

Thinking that is the thing to look into, look at thinking itself, are you doing it? 

Really focus your attention on this, when a stream of thought has started (did you do that?) does thought build up an actual I or a self in any way or does it just make it seem that way? 

Not where it comes from, not stopping them or even having only peaceful thought or something, that is all unrelated to seeing no self, just simple, do thoughts represent a self?

Do all of the thoughts you ever had now represent a self? If it does where is it now?

Look at this because nothing, not anything anyone has ever written itself can ever make one see this without actually looking. Is it an untested assumption that a self is really there? Or is there really a self there separating you from the whole of life? 

Same with observing, is there an observer? Are you doing this observing or is just that, the observation, without an observer doing the observing? 

A way to test this is just closing the eyes not doing anything else and a noticing that observing just goes on, nobody doing it, just seeing of blackness, no you seeing the blackness. 

Then with open eyes see everything appearing, nothing fancy. So everything is seen, is a separate you in it? Has there ever been an actual separate self having your experience or was there just experiencing, no experiencer there at all in reality?

Isn't it always like this: First experience and only then thoughts about it saying it is good or bad and everything in between? Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling, thoughts about it which could be followed by emotion, nothing more?

Notice can you see the emotions anger or fear directly? Is anything there behind it having it? Anyone there having it?

Look is there a seer, hearer, toucher, taster, smeller, someone having emotion or just emotion coming up, staying for thee uninvited then subsiding again?

Does sensing happen because you are doing it or does it just happen by itself? Can you turn it on or off in general like a light switch? When falling asleep it is just suddenly gone, but do you really decide the exact moment? Like your not actually falling asleep you literally disappear, actually also not really like that cause there is no one to disappear in the first place, see?

Everything is there, seeming others, houses, nature, world, stars, galaxies, universe, just no you anywhere, is it true? Is a self needed for anything in nature, animals, atoms? Why would you be any different?

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dinsdag 1 maart 2022

No method

No method, not even no method used as a method by an assumed separate individual can bring him to what is alone real.

What one really is one already is before anything appeared, would it not be futile to try to become what one already is before anything appeared with that which appeared?

An appeared body cannot sense the infinite, an appeared mind cannot understand or know the infinite which alone always is, no matter what it comes up with.

So do not take anything that is ever said as something you think you are must do something with.

Not any form of meditation or connecting or contemplation will make any difference, you cannot become what you never stopped being. There is just Being, no one to do it.

There is no self here, in the illusion that once appeared and will go, yet you cannot really ever deny that there is existing, it is existence alone, that which never comes or goes which now and again appears as if becoming all this, it is That which has experienced every waking moment, dream moment and the end of experiences of deep sleep, and your body posture right now, the words your currently reading and the thoughts about them, all the senses that perceive or constitute the world are experienced by You, know this thoughtless Knowledge.

Only You exist like only the rope exists when you think you see a snake, only sand and heat are there when you think your seeing water if you happen to be in the dessert seeing a mirage.

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Your not lost

One day you fall asleep and your dreaming that you decide to go to the forrest and your walking and walking and the birds are singing and everything is fine. So you keep walking on without thinking where you are going so after a while you look around and think "where am I?", and you get a little anxious…
And then you suddenly spot a big scary wolf in the distance coming towards you… So you start pannicking and run away deeper and deeper into the forrest. But after running as long and hard as you could you realize the big scary wolf did not follow you at all but now your even more lost, so in dispair you start looking for your way home and you notice its getting dark.
So after wandering around feeling totally lost you spot a lake with a little house on the side so you decide to see if you can spend the night there, but turns out the door is open, upon entering you see a kitchen with a catle of soup still on the stove and since your very hungry from all of the running you eat until your satisfied. There is also a fire place and your feeling cold so you light it up and decide to sit on the couch to warm up and because you feel tired you dose and dream about finding a map in the same house on the table...
So when you suddenly wake up in the morning you look on the table and indeed there is a map pointing out where you are and how to get out of the forrest so your feeling very happy now and excited you put the map in your pocket and after eating the left over soup you decide to go on your way home, out of the forrest, but when you walk near the lake you trip over a twig and you almost fall into the lake and to your dismay you see that the map fell from your pocket into the lake so without hesitating you jump after it but its too late the map is drenched and unusable you start to cry cause you can't get home now and to make matters even worse the big scary wolf has returned at the side of the lake and this time he has brought his scary friends and you can't swim well enough to swim to the other side so you start screaming for help HELP HEEELP! PLEASE HELP MEEE!!...
And then you wake up in bed at home safe and sound, were you ever lost?
Like this your dreaming this life now with all of its ups and downs and troubles and strugles, now reading this and no matter what you do, you can't make yourself wake up, the dream keeps coming back until it doesn't. No matter what you are doing your dreaming of doing it, the question is who is dreaming you?... Are you in it separately or is it just one appearance in the mind, nothing separate, just life happening, no separate controller who is doing? No doer, just doing, no one to liberate? Everything just happening?

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There is really totally no self right now, look for yourself!

So this blog is a part of a blog roll on the premise of no-self for the website: www.liberationunleashed.com I have mostly written about non-duality after seeing happened, one of them is now only writing about food and recipes which is also non-duality if you stretch it very far ;-) Anyway so I did see there is no-self in experience at all when I was staring out of my window, which went like: "So there is no-self let me check that out finally and once and for all right now! So seeing, hearing touching tasting smelling is happening right now whether I choose to or not, so how can eyes, ears, skin, nose actually be me in itself, how amazing! I mean if you are some-thing you should actually have control over it right? So on I went, I heard and felt my stomach roaring, so in direct experience, I did not control the whole digestion including chewing, after all when you put food in when it's time to eat chewing just starts and you don't control that exactly (check that out). When the food has turned to waste it eventually has to come out and it will whether you like it or not. Filtering the liquids you take in just happening, when the bladder is too full it will come out in the end whether you like it or not. Are you still with me here? Hairs, fingernails and skin is growing all by itself. Breathing will go on by itself, you don't really decide how the air goes in (deep, shallow, rate) and out and during sleep it just goes on. Thoughts about every experience you have and about others come up spontaneously without consciously doing that, thinking happens... All of that seen to be true in direct experience, do I exist itself behind all that controlling it all? NO, so they are right, totally right, how amazing! And this is true for all those people on their bikes(I live in the (Netherlands) and the drivers of those cars. They have a destination but how they get there is going quite unconsciously and is not really in their hands, it just flows, also they did not decide what they wanted at the time they did, so what is true here is true for others.
But only reading this won't do in this process, it only comes alive when tested and seen in your own direct experience of life. So the only goal of this blog post is to get you to at least thoroughly test this out for yourself at a point in life, another advice is to not read another spiritual or life altering text without actually testing it out for yourself in actual experience without prejudice if it is true. Ciaran Healy, the one who was the start of this process through the precursor site of Liberation Unleashed called Ruthless Truth, always said to really test things out, to figuratively put on a pair of glasses of no-self to have an actual honest look how things would be if they indeed were totally true, taking that perspective, looking at it from all angles, seriously looking true those lenses and then taking them of so to speak and then look if it could really be true already but you just never really looked at it that way. Also good if you are arguing with somebody all the time spent a minute in their shoes, imagine maybe they are right or at least you understand them better. Do that for a while with this blog post, really walk around with those goggles and in those shoes of no-self, like a scientist… Is it true?

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